Saturday, August 29, 2009

Push Up on a Ball

Klutziness and a frugal streak keep me from using much in the way of workout equipment, but a stability ball is my one exception. Once I (literally) stopped rolling off it at the start of each new move, I felt how awesome exercise balls are for developing balance and stability while making it easier to target specific trouble spots. Check out these top moves from the FITNESS video library.

Push-Up on a Ball
Your arms and shoulders are the first to take the brunt of what this see-saw-like move dishes out, but your chest and core will feel it as well.

Do it:
-Lie with your abdomen on an exercise ball and walk your hands forward on the floor until the ball rests under your thighs.

-Pull your navel in toward your spine, bending your elbows.

-Lower your upper body to the floor. Hold this position for three seconds, and then push up so your elbows are straight but not locked. Keep your head in line with your spine and your abs engaged.

-Start with 5 reps, working up to 15. Once you've mastered 15 reps, rest for one minute and then do a second set.

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