Friday, August 7, 2009

"The left side of the brain tries to hold us back"

I just read an interesting article by Jeff Galloway about the source of motivation in regards to excercise. Since I frequently feel sabotaged in my efforts, I found this to be very informative.

"Inside the left hemishpere at the top of your head is the center of logic. The left brain solves math problems, organizes and nitpicks, and conducts the structured cognitive activities during your workday. One of the primary missions of the left brain is to steer you in the direction of pleasure and away from discomfort. Any form of stress or perceived stress will stimulate the negative center of logic to produce a stream of messages to "slow down!" or "quit!" or to question your sanity: "Why are you doing this?"

Because we rely upon the left side for logical guidance, we listen to these messages. If we're weak or tired, we're very likely to give into the messages and compromise our goal. Certainly we must always monitor the real dangers which could produce problems and take action when there is due cause. Most of the time, however, our left brain overreacts in warning us long before we are in real danger. Motivation training desensitizes us to the extraneous negative messages and the left brain's nagging style. You can also set up a positive mental response to the negative left side that will reduce its effect and allow you to head toward your goal at a speed that is within your capabilities."

He also states that, "only you hav ethe complete power to reduce the intesnety and disconnect the negative speaker of the left brain before it makes your exercise seem like work." Stay focused and maintain your vision. Remember throughout our journey, we are in completely control, we must stay mentally positive and focused. Keep up the great work!

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