Friday, February 12, 2010

Energy Boosters!

Try Something New
When people do something novel, the brain's reward chemical, dopamine, is released. Dopamine is also a motivating chemical that gears us up to do more. In other words, take a trip or learn Spanish and you may also feel inspired to start a new project at home or work.

Move Around
The more active you are, the better your circulation will be. And good circulation is essential for energy because blood transports oxygen and nutrients—fuel for the cells—to the muscles, brain, and so on. If you have a desk job, get up throughout the day—once an hour is ideal—to give your body breaks from activities such as typing and staring at the computer. When you're stuck seated, like on a long car ride, do neck rolls and shoulder shrugs and circle your feet to keep blood circulating.

Do Things That Lift Your Spirits
Anything that makes you feel good may raise your level of endorphins—the same chemicals that are released when you exercise. Listening to music invigorates the body by activating several areas of the brain at once, building new nerve connections. It also increases oxygen flow to the heart, which perks you up as well.

Drink Fluids
Your body needs water to transport oxygen to your cells. Deprive yourself of sufficient liquids and you may feel tired or get headaches. Experts say you should try to drink at least four tall glasses of water or low-calorie beverages, such as Propel or Crystal Light. Caffeine gets a bad rap, but used judiciously, it can give you a lift. Try to limit yourself to one cup of coffee in the morning and, if you must, a half cup after lunch. Consider switching to green tea, which contains caffeine but also theanine, a calming substance that counteracts the jitters from caffeine.

Obsess Less
When your mind is in overdrive, your body secretes stress hormones, such as cortisol, which over time can wreak havoc on the body. It can also make falling asleep difficult by suppressing the hypothalamus, the part of the brain responsible for lowering body temperature so that you can shift into sleep mode. To rewire an overwrought mind, try meditating, practicing yoga, or engaging in regular prayer.

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