Thursday, February 18, 2010

Easy Ways to Clean Up Your Diet

1. Toss a few heavily processed staples - Instead of overhauling your pantry all at once, start by eliminating corn oil and soda—both highly processed. Another easy step is replacing refined breads and pastas made from white flour with ones made from whole grains.

2. Shop the perimeter - Most whole, natural foods are on the outside aisles of grocery stores—that’s where the produce, dairy, and meat sections usually are. As you go deeper into the center of the store, you encounter more processed and packaged food.

3. Check the labels -
It’s the easiest way to distinguish a "clean" food from a highly processed one. Think about it: A head of lettuce has no label (totally natural), while a bag of ranch-flavored corn chips has a dozen or more ingredients (highly processed). Instead of eliminating all processed foods, study the labels on the packaging and choose those with fewer and simpler ingredients (avoid hydrogenated oils, artificial flavors and colors, stabilizers, preservatives, excessive amounts of fat and sodium, and added refined sugar).

4. Cook more meals at home - This is an easy way to shift more of your resources toward whole food and potentially save money. Plus, many restaurants rely on highly processed food to create their meals. To make home cooking easier, master a few one-pot or one-pan dishes with simple ingredients that you can whip up quickly and that will feed the family for days.

For more info go to

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