Thursday, February 11, 2010

Eat a Balanced Deskfast

Deskfast, or eating breakfast at your desk, is a good least you are eating the most important meal of the day! Research shows that people who eat something in the morning—even in front of a computer—are more successful at losing weight and keeping it off. Unfortunately, nearly six out of 10 people skip breakfast at least once a week. Studies show foregoing a morning meal leads to bad habits like overeating throughout the day and indulging in foods you wouldn't otherwise eat.

Here are a few options to keep on hand in your office for those busy mornings when you have to eat breakfast at work:

Instant oatmeal – Buy a box and keep it in your desk, all you have to do is add hot water, and—bam! You've got a meal packed with heart-healthy, cholesterol-lowering grains. However, beware of the sugar and salt content: Some instant varieties have high sodium levels that can make you feel bloated and sluggish. Added sugars may pick you up for a minute—but cause a crash later. So read your food labels and watch the sodium and sugar.

Lean protein – A handful of almonds, or a low-fat yogurt cup, can help keep hunger satisfied. Don’t get carried away with the almonds. While they are very heart healthy and a great source of protein they do pack some calories. Grab a ¼ or handful and put the rest away, out of sight. This will keep you from “mindless eating”. You can eat what you have set out and know you haven’t over done it. Also, check the sugar content before deciding on a yogurt. Too much sugar means more calories and less nutritional benefits.

Fruit – An apple a know the rest. Portable fresh fruit like pears, peaches, nectarines, and blueberries are easy to grab and go. Plus, these low-calorie starters have fiber, vitamins, and natural sugar to satisfy even a doughnut craving. Bonus: Recent studies show that blueberries help prevent memory loss, and improve motor skills.

Bonus idea - Do you have a refrigerator in your office? Low-fat or skim milk paired with a high-fiber cereal helps keep hunger at bay, and may help with weight loss.

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