Saturday, October 24, 2009

Best Home Workout Tools

You don't need a gym membership to is the equipment that will give you the most bang for your buck and won't break the bank in the process!

Strength Training - Dumbbells/Resistance Bands - you'll want a lighter set (3lbs - 5lbs) and a heavier set (8lbs - 10lbs). Use a Stability Ball to target your middle during strength moves like chest presses or make crunch more effective.

Cardio - Videos - At about $10-15 each you can burn some seriously calories with dance, kickboxing, or walking workouts (no treadmill needed). Check out for a searchable database of DVDs with detailed reviews and online previews of workouts. Crank up the burn with a step.

When you're ready to take the plunge and buy a cardio machine .... research consumer reports and user reviews before you purchase.

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