Monday, January 4, 2010

We're Baaaack....


I hope this finds everyone safe and happy with all their new year's festivities and resolutions!

We will have new posts, new info and I hope more motivational posts in the months to come! Now that we've got the holidays under our belt (which may be loosened a notch after all the festivities) we can get back on the wagon and start focusing on our health again!


Resolve Not to Resolve

(Source: Biggest Loser Club; By Chef Devin Alexander)

How many times have you promised yourself you'd change your eating habits, then you set some uncomfortable restrictions and the next thing you know, you're being tempted by vending machines, coffee carts, or the deli around the corner with the $5 foot-long special?

Yeah, been there, done that. Most everyone has learned the hard way that desperation can lead to negative energy, and nothing positive can come from that. Instead, consider the notion that if you'd started small last January 1st and lost even just ½ pound per week, you'd be starting this year 26 pounds lighter.

The best way to remain positive and control cravings is to set reasonable goals for yourself. Losing weight and keeping weight off is a process, so treat it like one. Remember, nothing is going to happen overnight, so your plan to cut out all chocolate, all carbs, all sugar, all....You get the point.

Instead, devise a system that you feel you can honestly and comfortably stick to forever, not just for the next six months (remember: lifestyle change, not fad diet). Try to eat smaller meals more often, about five times a day. This will help keep you full throughout your day, therefore preventing you from gorge fests.

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