Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Celestine groupies! Top 10 list for week #3!

The moment you've all been waiting for (and way early in the week, too! Don't get too used that, ladies! LOL!!) Let's give it up for......

#1. Melinda Gutgsell...............4.6%
#2. Amy Lewis........................4.6%
#3. Carol Fravell.....................4.3%
#4. Deb Meyer-Benton..........3.9%
#5. Leslie Burgan....................3.7%
#6. Nancy Rohl........................3.6%
#7. Carolyn Langill..................3.7%
#8. Stacy Greener...................3.0%
#9. Angie Sander.....................2.7%
#10. Erin Whaley....................2.7%

WOW!! Look at these awesome ladies GO!! Keep up the fabulous work!

Tonite we enjoyed listening to Dawn Stemle come and speak about how she sets goals, tips for getting motivated to get your booty off the couch and excercising, overcoming obstacles by training for a half marathon and having bad knees and rewarding ourselves (NOT with food!!). Thanks, Dawn! Good luck in the half marathon in April!!

The challenge for this week is......EXCERCISING at least 3 days! Remember, this also included drinking only water AND keeping your food journal. Angie also gave us all an extra challenge that her trainer has told her team to do in HealthPointe's Biggest Loser contest: do 20 push ups, 20 crunches, 20 reverse leg lifts, and 20 wall squats every evening.

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