Friday, January 15, 2010

Sorry for the delay...

Hello Ladies.....Sorry for the delay or lack of postings. I have been strapped at work, not getting home until 8pm. I hope this weekend to get caught back up on posting and get some lined out for you gals.

Here are some healthy breakfast ideas:

Whole Wheat Pancakes - Whole wheat flour and omega-3 enriched eggs turn pancakes from a forbidden decadence to a healthy diet staple. Cinnamon and flaxseed provide a sweet, comforting flavor and texture.

Breakfast Smoothie - This is one simple smoothie—if you have mixed berries, fat-free yogurt, and some other staple ingredients, it’s a snap to make on a hectic morning. Milk, walnuts, and flaxseed meal add essential fat-fighting nutrients.

Cream of Wheat with Maple Walnuts and Cranberries - Classic Cream of Wheat becomes healthier and more filling when you prepare it with calcium-rich fat-free milk and top it with omega-3 packed walnuts and flaxseed. Maple syrup and vanilla add some satisfying sweetness.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Pancake - Love PB&J for lunch? It also makes for a fun, simple breakfast when you use pancakes instead of crustless bread. For a healthy twist, make your own jelly with fresh or frozen blueberries (they’re packed with ridiculously healthy antioxidants) and honey.

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