Saturday, January 23, 2010

Looking for healthy recipes...

My husband says I have a small obsession with recipes and websites that have recipes.... I don't argue this point b/c I do, in fact, LOVE recipes, cooking, etc. So I thought I would start sharing some of my M-A-N-Y bookmarked sites that offer recipes for something a little different but not hard to make.

Kraft Foods has a "Healthy Living" section that features healthy recipes for any dinner and dessert! With tools like the "food analyzer" and "meal and fitness planner" it can be a great weight loss tool in helping you with your journey!

Click here:

Another crazy place to find great,healthy recipes is the Foodie Blog Roll. If you type in the search box "healthy recipes" 23 different blogs pop up. You can follow them (if they post daily) - RESIST THE URGE TO LOOK AT ALL THE BLOGS ON THIS WEBSITE - it will lead to you getting NOTHING done. I've suffered from this particular issue! This is a great a place to find great recipes that people have tried and left notes.

Check it out:

This site has recipes, articles, blogs, forums, and a number of other tools you can use to stay or get healthy! With tabs for "recipes", "diet & nutrition", "fitness" and "community" - it's got a little bit of everything for everyone.

Click here:

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