Friday, January 22, 2010

Celestine groupies! Top 10 list for the week!!

I know, this is what you've all been stalking the website for all week and it's finally here!!! Please, bear with me....I know, I'm not any more busy than everyone else out there, but I am, quite possibly, more disorganized than most! My pink laptop that I usually brought to the meetings bit the dust. Everything on the hard drive is unrecoverable, which included the awesome spreadsheet my dear hubby fixed up for me to keep track of the weight loss for everyone. But, he's created a new and IMPROVED spreadsheet on my new laptop! Yay! (But, I had to wait for him to have time to make it...hence the delay).

Since we didn't get to announce the Top 3 Losers for the week at the meeting, here they are first!

#1. Melinda Gutgsell.......3.9%
#2. Amy Lewis..............3.8%
#3. Carolyn Langill........3.1%

Let's hear it for these girls that had one amazing week!! And, on to the big Weekly Top 10!

#1. Melinda Gutgsell......3.9%
#2. Amy Lewis.............3.8%
#3. Carolyn Langill.......3.1%
#4. Leslie Burgan.........2.9%
#5. Erin Whaley...........2.5%
#6. Stacy Greener.........2.2%
#7. Renee Merkel..........2.2%
#8. Carol Fravell.........2.2%
#9. Rachelle Beckman......2.1%
#10. Stacy McCracken.......1.9%

Awesome!! You ladies inspire me! Keep up the great work!

This week's challenge to the group is to keep a food journal. This challenge is near and dear to my heart. I totally believe in doing this. It is such a huge eye opener for anyone who is watching their weight. I know, it's hard, it's a big pain in the booty, but so worth it.

Remember, our challenges build, so don't forget to drink your water (and cut out the sodas!! Regular AND diet!)

Have a great weekend and see ya next Tuesday!

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