Thursday, January 28, 2010

CCJer's! Top 7 List for Week 2!!

Since this group is a wee bit smaller than the other, I think we'll just announce the Top 7....sound good to you? If not, voice your opinion by either commenting on this post just let me know at the next meeting! So, without further ado.....

#1. Sherry Fleck...................3.9%
#2. Bonnie Kuester..............2.8%
#3. Brandi Stiles...................2.3%
#4. Wanda Jones..................1.9%
#5. Nicole Weisman..............1.7%
#6. Lana Wessell...................1.4%
#7. Carla Popp.......................1.3%

Let's hear it for these fabulous ladies who worked their booty off this week.....and it shows! :) Awesome job, ladies. For the meeting tonite, we all just kind of shared what worked for us. We put the Top 3 in the spotlight and one trend that I couldn't help but notice was that all 3 of them had cut out drinking DIET sodas, which was the challenge for the week!

The challenge for this week....keeping a FOOD JOURNAL!! Trust me, I know, it's alot of work, but you will be so surprised after keeping one for a week! If you can, try and keep track of your water intake + how many hours of sleep you're getting in your journal as well.

We also would like for everyone to write down your goal. Put it somewhere you're going to see it your food journal, in your folder, on a post it and slap it on your bathroom mirror. I don't care, just get it written down so that you can see it! Know what you're working toward! Write down or know how you're going to reward yourself when you reach your goal.

Next week.....we are having our very first speaker, Robin Norris! So, please make sure you stay and listen to our wonderful presenter! Oh, and if any of you see Dan around, make sure you talk him into coming back! ;)

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