Friday, May 21, 2010

Trainer Tip...

Instead of eating the same thing day in, day out, try this. Eat strictly 2 days a week. Moderately 3 days a week, then give yourself a little slack on the weekends. The opportunity to splurge a bit makes it easier for you to stay on a low calorie intake for longer periods of time. It also sends your body mixed signals never giving it the chance to kick in its primitive survival mechanism that stores fat when calories are cut back.

Here's a visualization tool when workouts get tough. When lifting weights, push all the negative thoughts out through your hands. When you run on the treadmill, push all the negative thoughts out through your feet.

When your scale disappoints, remember this:
  • Are your healthy-eating and exercise habits helping you reach important goals in your life—such as having more energy and strength to play with your kids or grandchildren, having more confidence, taking charge of your health, or even getting ready for a charity walk? Write down your goals—and see how your new habits are helping you attain them.
  • When you're feeling frustrated about slow weight loss, an unsolicited compliment from a family member can be a welcome reality check. "Hey Mom, how much weight have you lost—you look great!" Don't brush off the admiration. You've earned it. Now bask!
  • Imagine what could happen if you let a mere number of the scale prompt you to quit working toward a healthier lifestyle. You'll not only stop losing weight—you'll also find yourself back on a path that leads to cravings, weight gain, low energy, frustration, and bigger threats to your health.

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