Friday, April 9, 2010

Deck of Cards...

Get a deck of cards and get ready to sweat! Decide how many cards you will be using. Here is a general guideline:

If you are a beginner exerciser start with 5 cards
If you are moderate exerciser start with 10 cards
If you are an advanced exerciser, start with 20 cards
If you are hardcore-go for 30 or more cards

As always, if you feel you need to stop and take a break, please do so. Everybody’s fitness level is different, the purpose here is to challenge YOU at your current level.

Now are you ready?!

Red cards are jumping jacks
Black cards are push ups
Face cards equals 10
Aces are high (equals 11!)

So, for every card that you pull, you are to do the specific exercise and number that corresponds with the card. For example, this is what it looks like for the first 3 cards I pull:

red 9= 9 jumping jacks
black 4= 4 push ups
red 2= 2 jumping jacks

The workout should be done quickly but do not sacrifice speed for form. Focus on what you are doing and the muscles that you are using.

This is a fun workout that can be done at any point during your day, so no excuses!!

Get moving and let me know how it went!


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