Friday, December 11, 2009

Have a Plan - Assignment #1

You have to have a plan to be able to stay on track!!

Assignment #1: Get a piece of paper, make two columns in the first column write down as many situations that you can think of that might derail your weight loss goals/healthy habits. In the other column write down options/solutions on how to avoid either overeating, portion control, "grazing', or blowing your day all together. Carry this paper with you and as you think of other situations or come into tempting situations write them down...then write down how you over came the temptation to give in.

Situation: Holiday dinner with friends
Solution: See if you can get an on-line menu to the place you are going, find the low calorie options and keep those in mind when ordering.

Situation: Pot Luck lunch at work
Solution: Get with a few co-workers and make a pack to bring something healthy and YUMMY as your dish...that way you know you'll have at least a few things you can eat and still enjoy participating.

Situation: SNOW/RAIN
Solution: Go to the library and check out a few fitness magazines, make copies of the work outs that you want to try and keep them in pocket sleeves in your Healthy Habits binder. When it's yucky outside turn to your binder to keep up on your exercise routine!

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