Monday, November 23, 2009

Core Work...

Reverse crunch: Lie on back, legs raised with knees bent 90 degrees. Squeeze a sports ball (or folded towel) between knees and rest arms at sides. Contract abs to curl hips off floor (as shown). Slowly lower hips for one rep.

Ball crunch - Sit on a stability ball, feet flat and hands clasped behind head, elbows out. Lower upper body until back is resting on ball. Slowly crunch up as you lift right leg as high as you can while maintaining balance (as shown). Lower to start; repeat with left leg for one rep.

Stand-up slimmer - Stand with feet hip-width apart, a 3- to 10-pound dumbbell in each hand. Raise arms out to sides at shoulder level, elbows bent 90 degrees (like a goalpost), palms forward. Lean torso to left as far as you can (as shown). Return to upright; repeat on right side for one rep.

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