Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Weekly Top #15!!!

At our last meeting, we were outside in the shelter house due to the club being spoken for that night. No biggie. It was BEAUTIFUL weather! Kudos to Christine, Audrey, Rita, and Rachelle for staying and walking after the weigh in!

So, since we didn't have any electricity in the shelterhouse, we couldn't announce the Weekly Top 5, so here you go.....

#1. Becky Beckman........2.9%
#2. Joyce Gessner...........2.4%
#3. Amy Beckman..........2.0%
#4. Jayme Bowles........... .6%
#5. Renee Merkel........... .5%

Yay!! Great job this past week, ladies! Becky, you'll get your prize at next week's meeting!

And, now for the wonderfully awesome Top #15!!!

#1. Michelle Allen....................14.9%
#2. Renee Merkel.....................14.2%
#3. Becky Beckman.................12.6%
#4. Kris Gutgsell......................11.7%
#5. Amy Beckman....................9.2%
#6. Joyce Gessner....................8.4%
#7. Linda Partenheimer..........8.1%
#8. Denise Gutgsell..................7.6%
#9. Becky Kunz.........................7.3%
#10. Chris Howard....................6.6%
#11. Laura Rickenbaugh..........6.6%
#12. Rachelle Beckman............6.2%
#13. Kristi Brinkman................5.7%
#14. Paula Britt..........................5.7%
#15. Breanne Hasenour...........5.5%

Let's hear it for these fantastic ladies!!!

Sherry from HealthPointe will be speaking at our next meeting! I hear she is a very enthusiastic person and will be a truly wonderful speaker, so don't miss next week's meeting! She may be just what we need to hear to get us thru to the end....which is coming up SOON!!

Since we didn't have a meeting, there is no weekly challenge this week. But, just remember all the past challenges and keep working on those!

See ya next week! And, another reason to attend next week, we will be discussing our big bash on September 29th celebrating the end of our first 12 week session!!

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