Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Have 5 Minutes? Try this!!

If you have 5 minutes...

YOU CAN: Get your heart rate soaring, jolt your energy level, tone all of your muscles, and help your bones. The key? Plyometrics, or jumping exercises, which are best when done in small doses, so they're perfect for a micro-mini workout.


ROUTINE: Do all moves, then repeat sequence 1 time, resting as needed between exercises to catch your breath.

Jump squat: Stand with feet slightly more than hip-width apart and squat down, keeping knees in line with ankles. Immediately jump back up, using your arms for momentum, and land quietly in a squat. Do 7 reps.

Jump lunge: Stand with feet hip-width apart and lunge back with right foot. Bend both knees, keeping left knee over ankle. Exhale and jump up, switching legs midair so right leg is forward and left leg is back when you land. Do 10 reps, alternating legs with each jump.

Plyometric push-up: Start in push-up position (hands under shoulders, back straight, abs engaged, toes tucked under). Bend elbows, bringing chest toward floor, then push off floor powerfully enough to lift both hands a few inches. Land softly, bending elbows. (To modify, keep knees on floor.) Do 5 to 10 reps.

Medicine-ball pretend throw: Stand with feet slightly more than hip-width apart, holding a medicine ball (or a soccer ball or basketball) at chest level in front of you. Squat down, then stand up and rapidly bring ball overhead, as if throwing it behind you. Lower. Do 5 to 8 reps.

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