Monday, March 8, 2010

Keeping the weight off

Studies show that 80% of people who lose weight will gain it back... the hardest part of losing weight is KEEPING IT OFF! Here are a few "back to basic" tips:

We've all heard this first tip time and time again....
1. KEEP A FOOD JOURNAL! Try to make it more of a true journal... write down what you eat and what/where you were when you ate it. How were you feeling at that time... were you angry, sad, bored, happy or maybe celebrating with friends! This will help you figure out if you are an emotional eater. It will keep you accountable for eveything you eat. And might motivate you to exercise a little more.

2. Throwout temptations - Throw out the things that will set you up for failure. If you crave sugar - get rid of the sweets / If you crave salt - get rid of the chips!! Clean out the cupboards and frig... stock up on veggies and fruits. As soon as you get home cut everything up into bite size pieces so when you are feeling snacky or you've waited too long between meals and you're REALLY'll have easy to grab veggies to eat.

3. Take some snap shots....start taking photos of yourself. Put them on the frig... tape them to your bathroom mirror or the inside of your "snack" cabinet...wherever you will see them as often as possible. This will keep you motivated to eating right and staying healthy.

4. Spring is coming... check out some of the store sales for workout apparel. Find an outfit you feel comfortable so you more likely to go to the gym or for a walk.

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