Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What an AMAZING 2nd meeting!!

First of all, I want to CONGRATULATE our very first biggest loser of the week.....Michelle A.!!! She enlightened us with what worked for her this first week.

Holy cow! Unbelievable! I am so utterly impressed with everyone....I think everyone there tonite had all lost weight! Do you know how awesome that is?! There was a lot of hootin' and hollerin' and WooHoo-in' back in the weigh-in area!!

I loved that Amy B. (sorry, picking on you again!!) had a weak moment this week and called Rachelle who talked her out of a snack she shouldn't have had! That's what this is all about, ladies....SUPPORT.

I was astounded to see that so many of you had actually taken us up on the weekly challenge of cutting out/cutting down on sodas and actually drinking more water! WAY TO GO!!!

It was so cool to hear all the different ideas that people have to make things easier for them when they go out to eat, Amy S. got an awesome book that was passed around, lots of different websites shared with the group and a cool app for anyone with an iPhone. Nicole A. talked about one of the great websites that's on the sidebar (CalorieCount). Our eyes were opened.....V E R Y W I D E to what fair food had to offer. Wow. I couldn't believe the stats for those things! Makes you think twice about putting that in your body, doesn't it? I know it did me.

Our Weekly Challenge #2....Do something active 3 days this week. If you are normally active, do something a little bit more. If you usually walk for 30min, increase your walk to 45min, etc. You know what I'm talking about! Get out there and work it, girls!!!

I did my first workout this evening after the meeting with Johnna. Whoa. She's tough. It sucked, but it was great. Did that make any sense?! LOL! I strongly urge everyone to try the workout at least once during the next 10 weeks.

Well, here's to an AMAZING 2nd meeting! I can not wait to see what next week brings!!!

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